About CamronZoe (Like Toe with a Z)!

Well let me tell you a little about myself…I’m blessed with wonderful family and friends, who hold it down for me when necessary. I would consider myself a beautiful, driven, intelligent, down to earth, honest (maybe to a fault), blessed, sarcastic, funny/goofy, opinionated, independent, and worldly lady. I love cooking, politics, shopping, going to new restaurants, and traveling.

I’m very easy to get a long with unless you’re a liar, cheater, thief, deceiver, user, or overall less than honorable person–in which case, you’d get dropped from the team without hesitation. My favorite drink is a madori sour…..yum! One of the most important things to me is time, and I can’t stand the thought of wasting any. What else can I say about me? Well with my family and friends I am considered the dreamiest of all dreamers. Everything in my life is “dream-like,” from my amazing family that stands by me thru the darkest of hours, down to the crazy and near death experiences that I’ve had to live thru. I was born with the gift to express, to drop wisdom that some can’t seem to put into words. So much for beating around the bush right? (LOL)

The best way to describe myself, is to tell you that i’m a real-life alice in wonderland. Curiosity drives my car on the highway of life and I always stop to smell the roses. I believe when you find pieces of yourself and you start putting them together .. it’s like god paints your world with a huge yellow highlighter. People just take more notice of you, the world just starts to open its doors for you. You just start to see that the grass is really greener on your own side.

I don’t know what else I can say about me right now, and I’m really tired of typing, so if you would like to know anything else about me, I suggest that you just ask.

So until then, get atcha later!!

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